Friday, April 6, 2012

Thank you

I feel I need to publicly thank certain people and groups of people that have made my journey to run the Boston Marathon possible.  With only 10 days left until I run, my emotions are running the full emotional spectrum (no pun intended).  One moment I'm nervous, the next I'm excited, then I'm worried, after that there's a bit of disbelief along with everything in between. With that I'm going to start my thank yous.

I must thank my husband, David, for his unwavering support in my quest to run the Boston Marathon.  I know being super-dad every Saturday after a long work week is not easy.  I appreciate that he sees Saturdays as quality dad-LAL time. He's a great man and I probably don't tell him enough.

Needless to say I owe my parents and my sisters a huge thank you.  They've obviously known me from the start and have always supported me in all my endeavors, and there have been quite a few (I'm a jack of all trades).  They help me to believe in myself and remind me I can do anything.

My friends, I have great friends!! Jen, Heather, and Randi, these are some of my closest girlfriends and I don't know what I'd do without them.  Jen ran the show at my Zumba fundraiser, and when I first got the Tedy's Team application email she was behind me 100%, I wan't sure if I could do it. Heather got me organized when I felt like I was in over my head and reminded I could do it.   Randi comes to my house every Monday and Wednesday morning at 7:15 and gets my munchkins ready for the day so I can go on training runs. Amazing!!

Both of my mothers-in-law!  They watch LAL at various points during the week to allow me to run and give me some sanity.  Thank you, Adele and Paula!!

The Y crew!  First, the five instructors that have gotten me in shape to be able to run the marathon. Jodi, my Monday zumba instructor, Ellen, my Tuesdays Sets n Reps instructor, Ellie, my Wednesday yoga instructor, Lynda, my Thursday boot camp a$$ kicker, and last but not least Toni, my Friday Zumba instructor!  A special note about Toni, she's AMAZING, she was kind enough to donate her time and resources for the Zumba fundraiser, she's tireless and can move like nobody's business.  She's such an inspiration.  Next, there are women in each of my classes that keep me coming back, I see them week in and week out and we're striving to be the best us we can be.  Their dedication inspires me.

Next, the FitCorp and Tedy's Team crew!!  When I took on the challenge of running the marathon AND a $5,000 fundraising minimum, I didn't expect to meet the people I have.  Our team director Zack and our coach John, are there no matter what, no matter how ridiculous the question they never judge.  My fellow "Boston Three Party" (that's the name we gave ourselves) members, Melissa and Nate.  I feel like I've known Melissa forever I couldn't do this without her.  I know I have found friends for life in Melissa and Nate.

Last and definitely not least, everyone who has donated in honor of a loved one or support of me. I could not have done this without any of you!!  To date, I have raised $10, 944.80!!!!  Unreal!!

I love you XOXOX

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