Thursday, March 22, 2012

Here I am

Well, here it goes! My heart is pounding and my palms are sweaty. Would you like to now why?! Because I'm blogging! This is something I've wanted to do since I got pregnant with triplets, but talked myself out of it for numerous reasons. Then all of a sudden, I stared getting signs (I'm a big believer in things happen for a reason and the universe leaves us little nuggets to guide us on our way). Looking back, I guess the first sign was getting pregnant, then carrying my babies to 35 weeks, then giving birth to healthy babies. I'm sure I could list a million more if I tried hard enough but I won't bore you with that. I'll give you the most recent signs that have led me to this moment. First, I was speaking to my Zumba instructor and I mentioned I was getting nervous for race day (I'm training to run the 2012 Boston Marathon) she said, "If you can carry triplets you can run a marathon." And I said "Yeah I guess you're right." Second, a woman in the locker room at the YMCA told me I was an inspiration to her. And most recent, I told a dear friend I wanted to start a blog and they were so totally supportive of me I thought to myself I have to do this.

Here I am!! My name is Kristi, I'm a wife, and I'm a stay at home mom of two year old triplets. Now, I can add blogger to the list!! I don't know what the format of my blog is, I'm assuming it will evolve into its own world. I will talk about a little bit of everything, life, parenting, tricks I've picked up, cooking, working out, marriage and anything else that strikes me. Really ,I just wanted to get my first post off my chest! Now that's done so let the fun begin!!!


  1. Testing comments section!

  2. Testing again...Name URL option sans URL

  3. Congrats beautiful! I will be following and getting your amazing advice! Take care, Tanya

  4. Hi Cousin Kristi, I have thoroughly enjoyed all that you have posted about your beautiful triplets. I you the best for this blog.
